Feds shut down Even Keel Exotics and seize 142 animals
Roadside Zoo News
MToxins Venom Lab fined for hiding the death of bald eagle
African serval loose in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Animal welfare unknown at Even Keel Exotics after ten missed inspections
African porcupine escapes from Tiger Creek employee’s Texas home
Bear recaptured after escaping enclosure at Saint Louis Zoo
Morgan Machnik of Premier Exotics cited for abusing servals; releasing bobcat
Two monkeys missing after the latest act of vandalism at Dallas Zoo
Missing and presumed dead: Dog at Rustic Retreat Deer Park
A wallaby is on the loose near Even Keel Exotics in Michigan
Waccatee Zoo animals sent to Zootastic Park in an effort to moot PETA lawsuit
Police notify owner of escaped Coatimundi that wild animals are prohibited in Oshkosh
Illegally owned coatimundi on the loose in Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Ochsner Park Zoo reports several animals missing after vandals cut the locks on their cages
Noah’s Park Retreat loses their license to exhibit animals to the public
Fox escapes during inspection: Animal Haven Zoo hit with four violations after $6.4K fine
Noah’s Park Retreat cited for dead and missing wallabies
Wolfdog escapes from Howling Timbers Animal Sanctuary
Judge rules Howling Timbers Animal Sanctuary must give up their wolfdogs
Texas woman offers $500 reward for African serval that escaped from her home