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Roadside Zoo News

Jan 12, 2022
Tim Stark violates court order on Facebook live; illegally exhibits pet monkey
Tim Stark exhibited his pet spider monkey on Facebook live today, in violation of a court order that prohibits him from owning animals.

Jan 10, 2022
Aysha Carbon sentenced to jail time for starvation death of four animals
Aysha Carbon of Manitowoc was sentenced to three months jail and three years probation for the starvation death of three ferrets and a dog.

Dec 23, 2021
VICTORY: Jeff and Lauren Lowe permanently banned from operating a roadside zoo in the U.S.
Tiger King Park owners Jeff and Lauren Lowe are permanently banned from exhibiting animals to the public, a judge has ruled.

Dec 20, 2021
Michigan judge visits Howling Timbers during trial to determine fate of 47 wolf-dogs kept illegally
The judge heard testimony that animals at Howling Timbers were fed moldy and rotten food, were underweight and had untreated medical issues.

Dec 13, 2021
Feds say skunks at Kokas Exotics undergo surgery with dirty instruments and no pain control measures
Kokas Exotics performs surgery on skunks utilizing dirty instruments and no pain control measures, USDA report alleges.

Dec 9, 2021
Aysha Carbon found guilty of eight counts of mistreating animals for the death of ferrets and a dog
Aysha Carbon has been found guilty of eight counts of mistreating animals for three ferrets and a dog that died from malnourishment.

Dec 3, 2021
Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary purchased foxes from Oklahoma animal abuser Dr. Aaron Stachmus
Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary purchased foxes from Dr. Aaron Stachmus one year before he was charged with 18 counts of animal cruelty.

Nov 29, 2021
Feds find cavies with bloody lesions and lame sheep at Waccatee Zoo; inspection yields 3 violations
Lesions were found on the ears of cavies and three Aoudads were lame, federal inspectors found during a visit to Waccatee Zoo in Oct. 2021.

Nov 16, 2021
Penn’s Cave and Wildlife Park fined $24K for gunning down 11 deer and for the death of 28 others
Penn's Cave and Wildlife Park, Centre Hall, PA, has been fined $24,000 for gunning down 11 white-tailed deer and for the death of 28 others.

Nov 10, 2021
ALDF appeals judge's ruling on Special Memories Zoo legal fees
The Animal Legal Defense Fund is appealing a judge’s ruling that Special Memories Zoo is not liable for paying $70,000 in legal fees.

Nov 4, 2021
Save The Zebras foundation told to stop fundraising and feeding escaped zebras in Maryland
A Maryland couple that fraudulently banked nearly $1,500 off of a viral zebra escape has been told to stop their efforts by Prince...

Oct 18, 2021
DNR testifies sanctuary smelled of "rotting flesh" and flies were chewing wolfdogs' ear tips off
Wolves at Howling Timbers Animal Sanctuary were chewed on by flies and a wolfdog "smelled like rotting flesh" due to an untreated injury.

Oct 15, 2021
Judge rules Special Memories Zoo not liable for ALDF's attorney fees
A judge has declined to make Special Memories Zoo owner Dona Wheeler and zookeeper Gretchen Crowe pay more than $70,000 in legal fees.

Sep 15, 2021
Tim Stark deemed a dangerous person; prohibited from owning weapons
A judge has ruled Tim Stark of the now-defunct Wildlife In Need is a dangerous person and his license to carry guns has been revoked.

Sep 1, 2021
Animals cannibalized, some eaten alive at Petco/PetSmart wholesaler Sun Pet Ltd.
A USDA inspection report details horrifying conditions at livestock supplier Sun Pet Ltd. who supplies animals to Petco and PetSmart.

Aug 25, 2021
TikTok promotes violence against animals with video of a woman stomping on a live snake
A video of a woman stomping on a live snake has gone viral on TikTok and the platform has failed to remove the video.

Jul 19, 2021
Waupaca homicide suspect denied bond to attend his mother's funeral
William Zelenski of Wild Bill's Exotics has been denied bond to attend his mother's funeral.

Jul 5, 2021
Declawed, defanged lion returned to owner in Cambodia
A lion confiscated in Cambodia after the owner posted TikTok videos of the animal has been returned to its owner.

Jul 2, 2021
Waupaca homicide suspect’s exotic animals listed for sale on Facebook
Some of the animals involved in a theft from Wild Bill's Exotics and subsequent homicide have now been listed for sale on Facebook.

May 25, 2021
Michigan man stomps bird to death after pet store refuses to refund his $30
A 22-year-old man stomped a parakeet to death after a pet store refused to refund the $30 he paid for the bird.
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