LOWE LAWSUIT UPDATE: Yesterday the United States Government filed new documents in the case against Jeff and Lauren Lowe of Tiger King Park, formerly Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park. The Government is asking the judge to order the Lowes to comply with a previous order that required them to:
Retain a qualified veterinarian for their animals, consistent with Animal Welfare Act requirements
Provide records of the acquisition and disposition of any and all animals added to or removed from the zoo since June 22, 2020
According to documents, the Lowes have failed to meet the deadline of the order, and they have a pattern of ignoring court orders and deadlines. “The United States respectfully requests that the Court issue an order deeming the United States’ motion to enforce … directing Defendants to immediately comply with that order, and granting any additional relief the Court determines is appropriate.
Court documents:
#JeffLowe #LaurenLowe #TigerKingPark #GreaterWynnewoodExoticAnimalPark #GWZoo #Wynnewood #Thackerville #Oklahoma #TigerKing #JoeExotic #RoadsideZoo #BackyardZoo #AnimalNeglect #CubPetting #Suffering4Selfies #CaptivityIsCruel #Pay2Play #Tiger #Lion #Cubs #USDA #USFWS #ShutThemDown #LockThemUp #SaveTheAnimals #SaveTheTigers #SaveTheLions